We will become the best as fast as possible by helping our customers' succeed
By helping our customers succeed, we will be the best in the fastest way.
We provide an integrated solution for designing, supplying, installing, and managing network environments for wired and wireless internet usage, as well as security systems with CCTV. Our optimized services are designed to save our clients the most time and money efficiently.


Redevelopment and reconstruction sites


Lingnan Times Korea is a Korean distributor and branch company of Lingnan Times, a global ESS company.
All ESS fields such as batteries, PCS, and BMS are developed and manufactured by the group company to provide safety and compatibility as the top priority.

Residential / SOHO ESS

Industrial / Commercial ESS

Large-scale Energy Storage Power Plant

Renewable energy
We Effort To Save Energy for Clean Earth
Network CCTV, ESS is the foundation of the enterprise, but it is the core of its stable operation. Based on its long integrated facility experience and energy storage system, it provides answers for the efficient growth of the enterprise.